welcome to neurogen brain balancing

optimize your brain function
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Anxiety, depression, ADD/ADHD, PTSD, migraines, and insomnia…

are just some of the neurological conditions that stem from imbalances in the brain.

serving veterans

Vets can call to sign up for a 4 session package for free!

Is neurogen right for you?

Benefits include improved focus, mental clarity, clearer vision, more restful sleep, increased motivation, decreased anxiety and depression, less irritability, impatience, and anger.

Who we are

Meet your Neurofeedback Practitioners

Ryan cooley

The United States Air Force provided Ryan a lot of opportunities, but also saw the onset of anxiety and depression, and the worsening of his unmedicated ADHD. He felt like he was losing his ability to function and feel like a human being. When his contract with the Air Force was up, he left and began the process of recovery.

Several years later, Ryan was introduced to Neurogen neurofeedback and saw an immediate improvement in his mental health and his outlook for recovery. Working with neurofeedback has given Ryan the opportunity to help others who deal with ADHD, anxiety, depression, and other mental health struggles.

neil hebbert

When I was eighteen I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and prescribed my first of many antidepressants. The medication only provided limited or sporadic relief. Later I found out that I had been misdiagnosed and, therefore, given the wrong prescriptions for nine years.

When I learned about Neurogen, I felt that my mental health was in a managed state and I was doing "OK." But I wanted to feel better than just ok.

I became a Neurogen practitioner because I recognize how my life could have been different if neurofeedback had been available to me earlier in my life. I want to help others so they don't have to go through the same struggle I did.

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